There key principals underlie our environmental philosophy: sustainable ecology links the vitality of our resources to human health; the air we breathe, the food we eat, the home where we live and other such resources related directly to us, should be conserved. Here at the Barnyard we focus on the food, shelter and other such ecological elements for the sake of sustainable development.
Second one is Sustainable Agriculture, where we buy products from, where the farmers look out for nature-friendly ideas to produce crops and vegetables. Our suppliers care for their animals used in farming and make sure that minimum loss is incurred by them. They take care and use natural products so that soil, water and atmosphere are not adversely affected by the after effects. This way we can pass on the farm and other such resources to the next generation and thus help them indirectly.
We use sustainable and renewable energy technology where-ever possible including solar, with 30kw solar panels installed on our solar pergola, passive ventilation and waste management. Water conservation, especially in light of the current climate change predictions, is of utmost importance. We use water saving techniques and technologies to conserve it wherever possible. We have limited ecosystem and need to keep a watch on what we demand of it. Future generations may find it too tough to sustain if we don’t start conserving from today: It is in our hands to do so. Welcome to the Barnyard. Paddock to plate.